Growing up, neither Eric or myself ever really went on vacations with our families. I went on a ton of road trips through BC for dance competitions and we would occasionally go to Jasper to go camping in the summer and Eric’s family was similar, so neither of us have been to Disneyland... and I didn’t even go to the states until I was 17. All this to say is that we went to Hawaii on our honeymoon and I just felt like it was heaven on earth.. so we went back three years later. Haha. There are many other great places in the world we should probably go… but have you been to Hawaii??? I want to move there and shoot weddings and eat all the pineapple and have all the freckles. We made sure to get a hotel by the beach with an ocean view because last time we went I didn’t even get to see a sunset! It was affordable because we were on the side of town where all the homeless people sleep. Lol. We also ate McDonalds most of the time until we went for one fancy meal at Morimoto and had the best sticky ribs I’ve ever had in my life. Anywho. Here’s a glimpse at our chill vacay.
PS. I have not included are any photos of our paragliding adventure. My motion sickness hilarity is not in the highlight reel. Lol. You’re welcome. Just imagine a pale green ginger laying on the sidewalk while a tall handsome guy stands over her assuring every concerned passerby that she is indeed, okay, and just needs to lay down for a while to recover from a brand new moving experience. Ha. Never again.