So for the past few months I have been recovering from a broken collarbone. So I've been sitting at home doing a whole lotta nothing! But at last! I can lift my arm again and the horrible feeling is gone and I am left with a dull ache, a newly shaped clavicle, and some much smaller shoulder muscles!
So when Jeff contacted me a couple weeks ago about doing some photography I wasn't sure I would be able to. I really had no idea how long it was going to take me to heal. So I was like... mmm I'm not sure.... what is it for?
He goes, "I'm planning on proposing!"
and I was like OMGGGGGG OKAY!!!!! YES!!!
Proposals are pretty much the most exciting things in the world to shoot. Like. Whaaat. You're going to ask her to be with you forever and you want me to be there to capture it?!?!? YESSSSS! I think maybe its because I LOVE surprises so much.
Jeff had planned to propose in the coffee shop Cafe Orso in Deep Cove (which was where he had first told Caryl that he loved her). He had a friend who was going to walk in playing guitar and singing, "I can't help falling in love with you." at which point he would get down on one knee and pop the question! There were two videographers and me hiding out in the cafe. And the staff at the cafe was all in on his plan as well.
When they finally came into Cafe Orso and sat down they were sitting very close to another guy who was just peacefully chilling and doing some work on his laptop. I considered telling him what was about to take place beside him as Caryl had gone to the washroom, but I decided not to. His reaction was priceless. :D
Also. You know how men often have these great speeches prepared in advance and then in the moment that the propose they are just so nervous and excited that they don't always say what they wanted to say? That happened. Of course. So when I brought them down to the water I asked Jeff if he wanted to say all the things he meant to say and he gladly jumped on the opportunity to share his heart with his fiance. It was beautifulllllll.
Anyways here's what I captured from the day! And these two together are AMAZING. Enjoy!